We standardize the look and feel of each slide, clean up the layered templates, align fonts and font sizes, and eliminate hidden artifacts that prevent your PPT from being converted for web playback.
We synchronize text, images and videos to appear or fly-in at the appropriate time in concert with the audio track.
We work from your basic script, paper-based notes, training materials and so forth to develop a script for each slide. This script can be used for submission to Regulatory approval prior to the training course being launched.
Our voice artists are familiar with medical content and understand how to deliver the information using the proper cadence with the correct emphasis on critical elements. Single or multiple artists can be used on each course, voices can be male or female. Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and German also available.
We start with questions developed by you and put them into the proper format for pre-course, in-line or post-course question delivery. Questions can be T-F, multiple choices, multiple response, matching, fill-in and other types.
Our experts watch the entire course, take the exam several times, make adjustments and tweaks, and vet the course from the standpoint of a novice user, assuring you of a polished, professional result.